Historical facts about Panama

-A little bit of history-

 Panama is a country with a very interesting history and several hundred years old. A territory that was passed through the years through various historical stages that deserve much to be known. Backpacking in Panama, we will show you historical facts about our country:


  • Santa María de la Antigua de Darién was founded by Vasco Núñez de Balboa and Martín Fernández de Enciso in 1510, being the first permanent Spanish population on the American continent.
Santa María de la Antigua de Darién

  • The South Sea (today, the Pacific Ocean) was discovered by Vasco Núñez de Balboa in 1513.
South Sea

  • Old Panama was founded by Pedrarias on August 15, 1519.
Old Panama

  • Old Panama was raided and sacked by Henry Morgan on January 28, 1671.
Henry Morgan

  • The cathedral of Santa Maria de la Antigua was burned in 1688.

Santa María de la Antigua

  • The first cry of independence was given by Rufina Alfaro on November 10, 1821.
Rufina Alfaro

  • Panama’s independence from Spain was on November 28, 1821.

Independence of Panama from Spain

  • The first transcontinental railroad was built in Panama in 1855.
Transcontinental railroad

  • Panama was born as an independent state on November 3, 1903 when it finally separated from Colombia.
Separation of Panama from Colombia

  • The Panama Canal was inaugurated on 15, August 1914 with the first voyage of a commercial liner ship; the American passenger and cargo steamer Ancon.
Panama Canal

  • Operation Sovereignty was an event that occurred on May 2, 1958 in the old canal area by a group of approximately 75 young university students where they planted the Panamanian flag in various symbolic places.
Operation Sovereignty

  • The Day of the Martyrs was the event that led to the breakdown of diplomatic relations between Panama and the United States in 1964.
Martys' Day

  • Panama was invaded with the so-called Just Cause by US troops on December 23, 1989.

American invasion
